Euclide documentation

General interface

The user interface is quite simple. Program starts with a blank page, with a menu bar on the top, and a status bar on the bottom. Status bar is used to choose actions or tools which will be used for modifying the document, status bar is used to give information on the interactive tool which is currently selected.

If the document contains several pages, they can be selected by clicking on the corresponding tabs.

Adding shapes

Actions are chosen in the menu bar. For example, if you choose "Shapes->Points->Free Point", clicking on the page will add new points.

Dynamic shapes are easily added. By choosing, "Shapes->Straigth Lines->From 2 points", the user clics successively on the positions of two points of the line, and the line is automatically added to the document.

Functions help

Most interactive tools display information on their use. The next action to perform is given in the status bar at the bottom of the main window.

More help

A wiki is also provided on the site. You will find in the future more specific help on macros or menu elements.

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