Features of Euclide
In the actual version, Euclide allows creations of geometric entities, called constructions. These constructions can be classified as:
- Shapes, defined as a set of points in the plane :
- points or point sets
- curves
- domains, that are bounded by an oriented curve
- Geometric measures (length of a curve, angle between 2 lines...)
- Transforms (rotations, translations...)
- Vectors, usually defined from 2 points
- Predicates, that are the result of a boolean test (is a point inside a polygon ?, is the polygon CCW oriented ?)
Creation of shapes
Various shapes can be created from selecting other geometrical objects (shapes, measures, transforms), or by specifying manually value for position, radius... When a shape need a new point, the user clic on a point of the figure, or on the location of a new free point, which will be created in the same time as the new shape. Here is a list of available shapes:
- Points:
- Free point
- Intersection point of a curve and a line
- Point on a curve (closest point to another point)
- Point on a curve (with a defined geodesic position)
- Centroid of several point
- Transformed point (by any planar transform)
- Linear objects:
- Line segments (from 2 points)
- Straight lines
- From 2 points
- Parallel to a line through a point
- Orthogonal to a line through a point
- Median of 2 points
- Radical axis of 2 circle
- Line arcs (from 2 points, bisectors, reflexion of a ray on a curve...)
- Polyline (from a series of points)
- Circles
- From center and a point belonging to the circle
- From center and radius (given as distance measure)
- From 2 diameter points
- From 3 points on the circle
- Circle Arcs
- Circle arc from 3 points
- Circle arc from 3 points, with specific orientation
- Curves
- Bezier curve from 4 points
- Composition of several curves
Measures on shapes
- Distance/length measure
- Closest distance of a point to a shape
- Radius of a circle
- Signed distance measure
- Angle measure
- Signed angle between 3 points
- Horizontal angle of a line or a linear object
- Horizontal angle of 2 points
- Counting measures
- Translation by the vector joining 2 points
- Rotation around a point with a given angle
- Line symetry
- Point symetry
- Circle inversion
To be implemented:
Some features are still lacking and should be implemented in future versions:
- Copy/Paste of graphical items
- Export to SVG, PNG...
- management of complex structures: graphs, tilings...
- display of dependency graph